Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of safe operation of a motor vehicle. Keep in mind, that driving while distracted puts everyone on the road in harm’s way. The purpose of this training is to discuss what some of the common distractions are, their types, and the potential consequences of driving while distracted.
· Texting (which is illegal)
· Using a cell phone or tablet
· Eating and Drinking
· Talking to passengers
· Grooming-Adjusting uniform, fixing hair, adjusting the radio, etc.
· Reading, this would include maps or GPS systems
Types of Distractions include:
· Visual: Taking your eyes off the road
· Manual: Taking your hands off the wheel
· Cognitive: Allowing your mind to wonder off while you’re driving
You should know that driving while distracted is one of the leading causes of thousands of accidents each year. Focus, attention, coordination, and the ability to make ‘split-second’ decisions are all necessary to be a safe driver. When distractions impair these skills, a driver is much more likely to be involved in an accident. While any of mentioned distractions can endanger drivers, passengers, and others—texting while driving is especially dangerous because it requires visual, manual, and cognitive skills—the exact same tools you need to drive safely! It is by far the most alarming distraction!
Did you know that texting and driving is quickly becoming the leading cause of crashes each year? The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has reported research that shows that if you are driving your car at 55 mph and then take your eyes off the road for 4.6 seconds to read a text message; that it is the equivalent of travelling the entire distance of a football field blindfolded! While people are able to ‘multitask’ in their daily lives, focusing on anything else while driving can have deadly results!
Company policy does state that if you need to make a phone call or text, pull over to do it and then get back onto the road. If you have any questions, regarding this policy, please ask your supervisor/ or management.
Distracted driving is deadly driving!